Yoz,,, hai this few days very very de busy man!!! Busy on study going our with friends and working.. From yester onwards start working alll the way to mon... Rest until coming mon... Will start work gain... Hhahaha. Sometime feel bored on working study.. wanna go somewhere else to holidays and do all the sports and thing i wan... Will stop here... Happy National Days.......
`V o l l e y b a l l. N p c c. A l p h a Z o n e .
* Hobbies:OcTdOoR & InDoOr AcTiVity,
EaT, SlEeP, PlAy aNd SlAcK.
* LOve:MoNeY,FaThEr,MoThEr,SiStEr,
BrOtHeR & aLL mY fRiEnDz.
* Hate:LiArEr,ChEaTeR..